Experiences, Thoughts & Learnings

Post Corona Startup - Safety Measures to follow for MSME's

So after 6 weeks of Lockdown for most of the MSME's ( Micro Small & Medium Enterprises ), the lockdown has been gradually released in few pockets with various restrictions and relaxations. This is a welcome move to begin with but at the same time knowing our lack of awareness or priority for Personal Safety  & Safety of people around us this  move can easily backfire because of few people's irresponsible behaviors.

The idea of this post it share to some tips for small Organizations who are mostly Owner Run or do not have experience in Disaster Management Recovery or Business Continuity Plans. Many of the medium companies have good safety practices and in-house safety team to handle such requests but most micro & small enterprises do not. This is mainly towards helping them.

Once we decide to open, here are few steps to follow and be aware of .
  1. Who should come every day? - As there is a rule to allow only 33% of the People - please identify who should come to the office. 
  2. What is the plan for people coming to office? - What will be plan for them , what will be they working on, how will they reach and leave office?
  3. What is the Office Opening and Closing Time? Strictly adhere to  government rules
  4. Medical Insurance - Govt has  made Medical Insurance Mandatory for all employees and company is responsible to make this happen.
  5. Install Aarogya Setup App - there is a reason the gov asks to install the app and let us do until the time this subsides.
  6. What is Sanitizing Plan for people entering to office -How will sanitize the people entering your office premises? What type of Sanitizer Dispenses that you need to have? How Many and where all?
  7. Have Clear Signboards with instructions for easier understanding for our people & Visitors.  Whoever is entering the office should know what to do next. 
  8. How to do Thermal Scanning for people entering to office? 7. How to record data? Do we use Infra Red ThermoMeters or Mobile enabled scanners or Thermal Camera
  9. What is the courier receiving procedures & disinfecting the Parcels? Where will the courier drop the parcels, how long will it stay there, how will you disinfect the parcels.
  10. Are there enough Personal Protective  Equipment PPEs ( Masks, Gloves) for everyone ? If not stock up for a couple of weeks - please do not  overstock - there are enough supplies in the market.
  11. How to prevent people walking out for Tea or Lunch?  This is important as many have the tendency to walk out for a tea or lunch or for socializing. Kindly restrict such movements, 
  12. How to implement distancing of 6 ft at office seating  - very important - have a plan for now and eventually  till full time release to implement social distancing until the instructions are lifted.
  13. Look at other aspects like Office Cleaning,  Visitor  Management, Time spent by  a visitor in office, creating awarness for People regarding behaviors, symptoms, self care, travel plan etc 
  14. For Air Conditioned Offices, Need to be cautious regarding temperature settings or only use Fans, 
  15. Increased frequency of Cleaning/Sanitizing Wash Areas 
  16. For Shared Computers if more than one person uses the computer, disinfectant the computer before other person uses 
  17. SOP For visitors - Each visitor should read and sign the SOP ( Standard Operating Procedures) clearly at the Security before entering the Office Area. SOPs to be prepared and could be circulated in advance to the suppliers and visitors with appointments so that they are clear with DOs and Don'ts in the office premises. 



  1. This is difficult time,health of all is much prior. try to make Work from home.ensure who is coming should have their own vehicle, avoid public transport. use all Precautions which is made by aarogeya setu app,Your family is our Family.

  2. Dear Anita
    Thank you for commenting! Yes totally agree ! If we can work from home then we shld do it ! Safety is our own responsibility


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